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Mail Room Scanning

Automate inbound and outbound mail to deliver instant digital access to physical post

We process incoming paper mail to digitise files and then route them electronically to their intended recipient - this can be especially useful where employees work from multiple locations, or remotely.

Using a PO Box, we collect and digitise your incoming mail, delivering digital files to each employee every day or integrating data into ERP systems to remove manual data entry.

  • Support remote & hybrid working
  • GDPR compliant scanning
  • Increase efficiency
  • Save time & resources
  • Free consultation

Mail Room Scanning Benefits

Support varying workstyles

Many businesses and organisations still rely on physical mail to operate effectively. By utilising digital mailroom services, you can support modern and future workstyles as well as provide the flexibility of working locations. Don't be constrained by physical mail.

Securely access information

A digital mailroom removes the risk of confidentiality breaches by directing mail directly to its intended recipient. It also eradicates the threat of accidental loss or damage once it enters your organisation. Digital mail then becomes traceable to support compliance policies.

Provide instant access

Incoming mail is scanned and digitally accessible on the same day allowing you to boost productivity and reduce response and mail delivery time. Improve decision-making with up-to-date and accurate information on important business transactions.

Reduce operating costs

Focus employee time on important, revenue-generating tasks by automating incoming and outgoing mail. Speed up processing of all types of incoming business documentation and integrate them into existing ERP, mail or cloud delivery platforms.

How it works

PO Box

Set up and management of your dedicated PO Box, all incoming mail will be booked onto internal tracking systems for full mail auditing.


Mail items are manually prepared for scanning by opening and separating letters from envelopes, removal of paperclips and staples.


Enclosed documents are scanned in B&W or colour to your preferred format using OCR, then indexed as per your requirements.


Scanned mail is then delivered the same day directly to its recipient or team, or can be integrated with your document management or ERP system.

What is a digital mailroom?

Inbound digital mailroom

A digital mailroom often refers to the processing of incoming hard-copy mail. However, it can also include any other incoming sources such as faxes, emails and social media.

Physical mail is routed to the digital mailroom, often using a PO Box.

Mail is then opened, and prepared for scanning. Once scanned, the mail is made accessible via cloud portal access or through integrations with internal systems to deliver content to the intended recipient or team.

Outbound digital mailroom

An outbound digital mailroom involves composing and managing intended mail before it is externally printed, finished and sent for delivery.

This form of hybrid mail system allows your teams to create mail campaigns before being printed and delivered on mass by a third-party.

The third-party will:

  • Apply unique reference codes and discounts
  • Add inserts to accompany mail
  • Check addresses to minimise undeliverable mail
  • Maximise postage discounts

National document scanning services

Expert Scan is an experienced team of document scanning experts available nationwide across the UK and beyond if required.

With dedicated logistics teams on hand, we can collect your documents from any office location or warehouse across the United Kingdom, Europe, or Worldwide.

Our scan centres are located all over the country, with regional hubs in London, Exeter, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and Edinburgh.

map of the United Kingdom

Expert Scan's experienced, professional team have a wealth of expertise, including information management, governance, data integration and storage allowing your business to maximise your data productivity.

Trust the Experts

Our mission is to provide high-quality digitisation and digital delivery solutions

We have many years of experience in successfully providing document management solutions on a range of project sizes.

From BS10008 accredited scanning, OCR searchability, data redaction and automated retention capabilities, you can rest assured that Expert Scan has the requirements to match your needs.

document scan facility